- Scott Georgaklis is a Certified Functional Strength Coach and a personal trainer for Fuji that works with high level grapplers as well as other top tier athletes at the highest levels, including Olympians
- Understand what’s hurt, why, and how to potentially fix it yourself or seek out the right help for your specific injury
- Learn how to properly make your way back to training after an injury with the right exercises under guidance of a grappling veteran
- This revolutionary resource will focus on the back, neck, shoulders, and hips, and provide you with the tools necessary to help you diagnose and recover from injuries to these areas of the body
- Explore critical lessons on soft tissue, diet, sleep, and breath to maximize your recovery and expedite your return to training
- Learn from your injuries and understand your body on a deeper level so you never have to take time off from the mats again, with experienced guidance from a trusted coach