MORELIA TF 使用U4ic的中層鞋底,鞋身更合腳和舒適貼服。人造草場地上擁有更出色的抓地力與穩定性表現。
- U4ic 中底及Non marking 橡膠鞋底提供更軟身舒服的緩衝鞋底
- 短靴的結構帶來極致革新的柔軟度
- 彈性網面加上3D 流線型的前足鞋面,令鞋身更合腳貼服。助足球手於整場比賽中加強力量及精確度。
For elite futsal players looking for the best fit to demonstrate their performance at the highest level. The coated durable mesh upper gives you excellent comfort and optimized ball touch. The U4ic midsole provides a premium cushioned sensation throughout. Booty construction for a flawless fit and perfect lockdown feeling. Better grip and stability on artificial grass.
- Soft cushioned outsole thanks to the U4iC midsole and a great non-marking rubber outsole.
- The booty construction gives a great innovative soft fit.
- Featuring a supportive stretch mesh for ultimate secure fit and midfoot lockdown, plus 3D surface on the ball-striking area of the forefoot, sheer power and pinpoint precision combine to give you the ultimate football experience.